Tennessee Landforms Google map
right click to add draggable markers iPhone map
Enter street,city,state or zip code or lat,-lon (dd.ddd)
(for lat/lon or UTM or NAD27 use this)
Distance buttons:
click on map to make a track (right-click to add draggable markers)
this button will popup a window from which you can save the track as a
file.gpx for uploading to your GPS.
Cumberland Trail ... page under construction, revised 4/18/14
CT volunteer
data wheeled-distance, gps files (download gpx files and use
Tracks on google map above are based on CT volunteer GPS files.
The GPS data is used for fetching and plotting the USGS elevation data.
Due to the dicretization of the GPS track data, the track length
is usually 4% or more shorter than the actual trail length.
For example the wheeled length of the Piney River trail is 8.46 miles,
while the GPS track length is 8.1 miles (which includes adjusting
for elevation "distance").
The cumulative +climb/-descent is calculated
from the USGS elevation data and is smoothed by a 10' filter, but even
still the estimates are probably quite high.
(Elevation data collected by the GPS is typically less accurate than
fetching the USGS elevation data.)
Based on the elevation data, the steepest half-mile sections are
Lawson Mtn (mile 2.2 to 2.7 25%, 6.5 to 6.9 23%, 3.6 to 4.1 22%),
Arch Mtn (3.6 to 4.1 22%), and Cross
Mtn (12.2 to 12.7 22%).