Tests at ORNL 11/6-27/95

WARNING: These results are from preliminary tests.


One GigaNet,Inc ATM board installed in rogue.css.ornl.gov, a 4-node (MP3/NIC B), 128 MB/node, (can run either NIC A or NIC B kernel and one service node Paragon. OSF 1.3.0. New libatm.a (10/23/95) Second ATM board in Intel's XPE (mpdot1.ccs.ornl.gov), 16-node GP/NIC A, same software.

Sandia has provided a FORE ATM switch with OC12 and OC3 interfaces and an AT&T EMMI .

11/11/95. mpdot1 gets new (production) ATM board.

11/17/95. Both Paragons now running OSF 1.3.3

ATM benchmarking

ATM vs HiPPI/Ether tests

PVM/ATM application tests

IP/ATM and ATM video tests

The test configuration for IP over ATM and ATM video is depicted here.