North Boundary update

4/18/24 Bianca Bartley Barker reports on possible development of North Boundary site (from facebook):

Map Key:
Yellow - home development similiar to Westwood
Orange - affordable living MFDU neighborhood
Red: restaurants/retail
Purple: school

Local Oak Ridge Friends - ED6 Land Transfer Update (North Boundary Trail System) PLEASE SHARE!!

Last night, we attended the City Council Work Session as the ED-6 land transfer was on the agenda. We were able to learn that it is a virtual certainty the City will obtain this land in a simple transfer - no money exchanged - due to the DOE wishing to relinquish control and ownership. This often occurs. The possible development of the land within this land transfer will affect all of Oak Ridge citizens and the citizens of surrounding counties who enjoy the greenway/trail system so it is important for us to stay informed. The North Boundary Trail System is the only greenway on the West side of Oak Ridge. The land encompasses the quarry parking lot and the surrounding area of about 300 acres to the west of Wisconsin on the northside of the Turnpike. This area contains beautiful trails, the Quarry, and essentially an area enjoyed by many hikers, bikers, and those who simply want to enjoy nature. The main question discussed was how to utilize this land. The option of partial development was discussed and is noted on the map above - a new elementary school, some residential, some commercial. There are many things to consider - the foremost thing being whether we want to destroy part of a beautiful greenway and set of trails. Most already know my stance on these things.

Things you can do:
1. Pass this update along;
2. Stay apprised of and active with this issue - keep tabs on City Council meetings and when this agenda item appears - especially once it gets to the public comment stage;
3. Email the City Council members with your thoughts on the issue.

CVTA believes this is an important issue and that there are other options and parcels of land to use to further the interests and educational and economic initiatives of the City of Oak Ridge.

Clinch Valley Trail Alliance (CVTA)
Return to East Tennessee mountain bike rides.