Tennessee Lake and River Access

Under construction .... obviously incomplete and probably some errors because most of this data is interpolated from (TODO, fix counties) maps. TWRA has a new (2009) boating access sites. A good map resource with boat ramps marked is Delorme's Tennessee Atlas & Gazetteer

Tennessee has over 60,000 stream miles and more than 1,000 lakes covering over 540,000 lake acres. The following table lists locations of many of the public accesses (ramps, docks, put-ins) for many of the lakes and rivers of Tennessee. Each entry has GPS coordinates (latitude/longitude) and URL's to maps. Here is a Google map/image/topo with all the ramps.

Barkleyramps .gpx or .mxf
Calderwoodramps .gpx or .mxf
Center Hillramps .gpx or .mxf
Cheathamramps .gpx or .mxf
Cherokeeramps .gpx or .mxf
Chickamaugaramps .gpx or .mxf
Chillhoweeramps .gpx or .mxf
Clinch Riverramps .gpx or .mxf
Collinsramps .gpx or .mxf
Cordell Hullramps .gpx or .mxf
Dale Hollowramps .gpx or .mxf
Davy Crockettramps .gpx or .mxf
Douglasramps .gpx or .mxf
Duckramps .gpx or .mxf
French Broadramps .gpx or .mxf
Fort Loudonramps .gpx or .mxf
Percy Priestramps .gpx or .mxf
Kentuckyramps .gpx or .mxf
Land Between the Lakesramps .gpx or .mxf
Melton Hillramps .gpx or .mxf
Nickajackramps .gpx or .mxf
Normandyramps .gpx or .mxf
Norrisramps .gpx or .mxf
Old Hickoryramps .gpx or .mxf
Pickwickramps .gpx or .mxf
Reelfootramps .gpx or .mxf
South Holstonramps .gpx or .mxf
Tellicoramps .gpx or .mxf
Tims Fordramps .gpx or .mxf
Wataugaramps .gpx or .mxf
Watts Barramps .gpx or .mxf
Woodsramps .gpx or .mxf

You can download the GPS data for each lake in either Maptech (.mxf) or EasyGPS (.gpx) format.

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accesses since June, 2004    © Tom Dunigan
Revised Thu, 27 Feb 2025 16:44:59 -0700