Backtracking Spoofed Packets

.... under construction ....

This survey and backtracking analysis at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is sponsored by the Office of Counter Intelligence of the US Departmant of Energy.


Each internet packet on the Internet carries a destination address and a return address. The destination address is used by the network routers in delivering the packets to its destination. The source address (or the return address) is only needed by the final destination enable to reply. Like US postal return addresses, the source address is ignored and can be forged or spoofed. Normal network applications provide legitimate source addresses, but a hacker can persuade an operating system (you need "root" on a UNIX system) to use spoofed addresses for the source address.

Spoofed addresses can be used to hide one's network identity or to direct return packets to another host/target. Spoofed addresses can also be used to masquerade as another host that is possibly trusted by the target host. Spoofed addresses have been used in the following Internet attacks:

Denial of Service Attacks

Denial of service attacks prevent the targeted site from providing network services by either flooding the site with packets (smurf or fraggle attacks), consuming finite network resources (SYN flooding), or causing the site to crash (teardrop or land attacks). None of these attacks require that the source address of the attack packet be valid. By design, the attack flow often looks like legitimate traffic, so it is very difficult to filter out the attacking flow at the targeted site. Since the source addresses are spoofed, it is impossible to know what the real source of the packets is without backtracking an active flow.

In February of 2000, more sophisticated distributed denial of service attacks were launched against major Internet sites. Tools for mounting distributed denial of service attacks began appearing in the fall of 1999, and CERT and others were aware of attack preparations. (See links below.) The attackers broke into a number of Internet computers (usually attached to high speed nets) and installed attack agents. The attackers used these distributed agents to mount simultaneous denial of service attacks against a targeted site.

Dropping spoofed packets

In an ideal world, each router would be configured with ingress filters that would drop packets arriving from "internal" networks whose source address was not a member of the set of network addresses that this router serves. The majority of routers could be so configured. Backbone routers and edge routers for complex topologies probably could not be configured with such filters. These ingress filters should be required as part of a "good neighbor policy." Ingress filters would not totally eliminate denial of service attacks but could greatly reduce such attacks. An attacker could still spoof an address within a local subnet, but that would permit backtracking the packets to the source subnet. Cisco's unicast reverse path forwarding also can be used to block spoofed packets at edge routers.

At ORNL we have developed a prototype program that an end-user can run to verify that his ISP has proper ingress filters enabled. The user can download this spoof-tester (versions would be needed for each OS). The spoof-tester contacts a server (with TCP) and obtains a spoofed address for testing. The spoof-tester then transmits a series of spoofed packets (TCP, UDP, ICMP) from the users machine to the server, some with the Record-Route option. The server then notifies the spoof-tester if the spoofed packets are detected. (The actual IP address of the user's machine is embedded in the spoofed packets.) If the spoofed packets are detected, the user or testing service could then notify the ISP. (The spoofed packets transport checksums are wrong so there are no packets reflected to the spoofed address.) A prototype web page was also developed for the spoof-tester. Also see ICSA's netlitmus anti-spoofing test tool or here.

Most routers are (should be) configured with egress filters that prevent spoofed internal addresses from being passed from an external interface. These egress filters reduce the risk of internal hosts using an IP address as the basis of trust decisions. SANS has some hints for testing your router configuration.

Back tracking

Back tracking spoofed packets is easy in principle. Assuming the attack is ongoing, one determines which router at the target site the attack flow is coming from, call it router Z. One logs into router Z, and determines from which interface/router the attack is coming from, call it router W. Then one logs into router W, and so forth. In practice, backtracking is complicated by the following:

With Cisco routers one can use the "log-input" feature of an access control list. In 1996, MCI published a set of Perl scripts for Cisco routers that would login, set up an ACL in debug mode, determine the next-hop router, and login to the next-hop router and repeat the process. Robert Stone at UUNET reroutes the attack flow in his CenterTrack design to tunnel the traffic to instrumented routers. NCSU's Wu is working on "Deciduous: Intrusion Source Tracing". There have also been several backtracking papers (master's thesis) on using active networks to backtrack and block spoofed attack flows. (See the URL's below.)

Action items

Our preliminary tech report (PS, 120K)

More information

idle scan stealth
RFC 2267 ingress filters
Cisco's unicast reverse path forwarding
egress filters

denial of service

smurf attacks and land attack and teardrop
CERT's smurf advisory and teardrop/land advisory
distributed denial of service stacheldraht or trinoo or tfn tribe flood network or tfn2k or
CERT's distributed denial of service tools and denial of service workshop pdf
Cisco info on distributed denial of service attacks
U of W ddos links
hackernews article on denial of service attacks
SANS recommendations and tips for testing your routers
ICSA's DDOS guide
ISP's join to fight DoS

back tracking

Bellovin's itrace backtracking ICMP pkt proposal and IETF's ICMP traceback messages
MCI's dostracker backtracking DoS (denial of service) or dostrack
ORNL's prototype ISP spoof testing service
Cisco's tracking packet floods using cisco routers
Robert Stone's (UUNET) centertrack or pdf
U of W Practical Network Support for IP Traceback
NCSU's Wu's shang project and Deciduous
Van's thesis A Defense Against Address Spoofing Using Active Networks
Halbig's thesis An Active Network Approach to defending and tracking denial-of-service attacks
Towards Tracing Hidden Attackers on Untrusted IP Networks 2001

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