Net100 history at ORNL
Recent Net100/Web100 work at ORNL
- 10/1/04 project funding ended
- 7/21/04 WADlite testing
- 7/18/04 TCP Westwood tests (plus ns)
- 7/14/04 Cray X1 net100 tests, IP over fiberchannel, channel bonding
- 7/8/04 Net100 kernel to linux/ATM/GPS testnet
- 6/28/04 UDT review
- 6/22/04 UDP report preparation
- 6/14/04 NISTNet upgrade, summer student testing
- 6/5/04 Vegas and FAST testing
- 5/21/04 TCP Westwood evaluation
- 5/15/04 WADlite testing
- 4/30/04 FAST source available, initial study and testing
- 4/12/04 TCP Vegas tests with CERN
- 3/25/04 brief look at UDT and DCP
- 3/21/04 WADlite extensions for probing
- 3/11/04 re-testing of SGI Altix and Cray X1 Net100
- 3/1/04 Florence Fowler retires
- 2/22/04 jumbo tests discover MTU negotiation problem, router misconfigured
- 2/15/04 wad-lite implementation
- 1/28/04 proposal preparation
- 1/22/04 Vegas testing and wad-lite development
- 1/15/04 prepare tech report on UDP transports
- 1/8/04 DOE/MICS ORNL net review
- 1/5/04 User-mode linux and net100 kernel mod evaluation
- 12/1/03 new Net100 box jumbo GigE outside firewall, new NistNET boxes
- 11/10/03 SC03 Net100 poster and handouts
- 10/27/03 Vegas with hires timer
- 10/15/03 Vegas/Net100 testing
- 9/18/03 net100 kernel on SGI Altix
- 9/17/03 net100 vegas tests -- txq probelms avoided, hi-res time
- 9/4/03 FAST-like tests over atou
- 9/1/03 wide area jumbo frame testing
- 8/28/03 TCP Vegas into 2.4.21 with Web100
- 8/18/03 DOE review
- 8/14/03 Net100 talk to ORNL
- 8/8/03 Caltech FAST kernel
- 8/1/03 UDP FOBS/Tsunami/Sabul testing
- 7/21/03 Cray X1 net100 kernel, 4x improvement
- 6/17/03 add droptail Q to NISTNet
- 5/1/03 scalable TCP ported to ns-2 and Net100 kernel
- 4/16/03 UDP transport tests Europe/US
- 4/10/03 DOE transport workshop
- 4/8/03 preliminary Cray X1/web100 assessment
- 3/25/03 Network Mag. article: End-to-end Performance on the Internet
- 3/20/03 UDP transport analysis
- 3/17/03 Net100 tuning gridFTP
- 3/11/03 Web100 upgrade
- 2/18/03 Iperf/web100 PAM 2003 paper
Measuring end-to-end bandwidth with Iperf using Web100
- 2/14/03 Cisco netflow/cflowd/nfstat deploy and testing
- 2/5/03 ESnet ESCC Net100 presentation
- 1/13/03 kelly scalable TCP exerperiments (atou)
- 1/10/03 tsunami/sabul/RUDP/FOBS test and evaluation
- 1/9/03 reordering studies (linux,autotuning) lbl to psc
- 12/11/02 slow-start increment (atou
results, ns, wad)
- 12/6/02 testing
- 12/4/02 iperf/web100 paper slow-start duration
- 12/2/02 DSACK/atou development
- 11/26/02 vegas/atou testing
- 11/19/02 SC02 Net100 talk/paper and demos
- 11/14/02 testing of Web100 autotuning
- 11/12/02 continuing evaluation of SABUL, Tsunami, FOBS
- 11/11/02 upgrade Java bandwidth tester
- 11/5/02 high speed i/o/jumbo gige Net100 box added
- 11/2/02 NTAF generated test suites of Floyd extensions
- 10/24/02 del ACK and reordering preliminary analysis
- 10/21/02 PNNL Net100 briefing
- 10/15/02 Internet2 PSC-CERN tuning tests
- 10/14/02 continued vegas (atou) testing (network and nistnet)
- 10/9/02 WAD tuning parallel and single stream gridFTP
- 10/7/02 added snapshot to python wad and tracer
- 9/26/02 testing latest Web100 release (new API)
- 9/13/02 --event driven python wad testing, atou rto tests
- 9/10/02 vegas experiments with atou
and floyd slowstart
- 9/3/02 add DSACK to atou
- 8/26/02 gridftp server on firebird, Floyd AIMD in kernel, WAD select
- 8/23/02 NTAF data used for WAD tuning
- 8/19/02 SCNM tcpdump's of bulk flows
- 8/13/02 DOE network planning meeting
- 8/8/02 ns simulation of k streams vs k-equivalent single stream
- 8/7/02 preliminary analysis of Shalunov's proposed virtual MTU
- 8/1/02 net100/web100 meetings
- 7/26/02 floyd aimd dynamic tuning in WAD
- 7/15/02 reordering tuning (atou results)
- 7/3/02 use Vegas gamma to initiate Floyd slow start with atou
- 6/26/02 WAD tune single and parallel stream gridftp ORNL-LBNL
- 6/25/02 gridftp test to LBL, floyd's ns scripts for AIMD and slowstart
- 6/22/02 add WAD_MD code to linux kernel, now WAD can tune all of AIMD
- 6/20/02 add Floyd slow start to linux web100 kernel and WAD
( preliminary results)
- 6/14/02 install gridftp client on firebird
- 6/13/02 Floyd stow start mods to atou and test
( preliminary results)
- 6/7/02 floyd aimd mods to atou, test ESnet and NISTnet
( preliminary results)
- 5/22/02 web100 patches applied
- 5/15/02 web100 extensions to iperf (iperf100)
- 5/13/02 tool testing: mping, pathrate 2.2
- 5/8/02 LBL SCNM box testing
- 5/4/02 parallel flows monitoring with python tracer
- 5/1/02 WAD tuning of additive increase and buffer sizes
- 4/26/02 SC2002 extended abstract "A TCP tuning daemon"
- 4/21/02 WAD tuning of parallel flows
- 4/15/02 slow-start duration studies
- 4/12/02 RTT bandwidth estimator added to atou (vegas like)
- 4/5/02 stateful WAD for adaptive/dynamic tuning of flows
- 4/2/02 testing PSC's new
pathprobe tool
- 3/25/02 WAD tuning of parallel iperf transfers (NERSC/ORNL)
- 3/15/02 porting TCP Vegas to 2.4.17
- 2/22/02 TCP Vegas on linux 2.3.15 testing on NISTnet testbed
- 2/18/02 web100 with DRS testing in 2.4.16
- 2/4/02 web100 testing on 2.4.16, drs testing on upgraded NISTnet
- 1/30/02 Internet2 end-to-end workshop
- 1/17/02 begin evaluation of Feng's DRS patches
- 1/16/02 add netlogger to webd
- 1/14/02 attend SciDac PI meeting
- 1/20/02 deploy webd at other sites
- 1/2/02 test netlink web100 event notification
- 12/31/01 auto-tuning study, linux 2.4, WAD,
using webd
- 12/26/01 WAD testing
- 12/21/01 draft SCTP info
- 11/26/01 deploy NISTnet
- 11/21/01 GigE on firebird
- 11/15/01 virtual MSS testing using atou
- 11/13/01 HSI/Web100 demos at SC2001
- 11/8/01 Net100 PI workshop, Denver
- 11/6/01 HSI tuning with web100 mothra/stingray (NERSC/ORNL)
- 11/1/01 NERSC linux (mothra) up with web100
- 10/29/01 tuning HSI transfer with web100
- 10/23/01 SCTP testing
- 10/22/01 NERSC linux box up
- 10/2/01 testing of bcp,bbftp, pftp (NERSC/ORNL)
- 10/1/01 install and test HSI on firebird
- 9/28/01 develop and test webd
- 9/24/01 install 2.4.9 on linux and test new Web100 release 0.3
- 9/11/01 installation of web100 at ORNL on viper and firebird
- 8/14/01 testing with LBL web100 box
- 7/24/01 Web100 workshop, Net100 workshop
- 6/27/01 testing with GigE interface, web100 validation with tcpdump's
- 6/26/01 testing with
- 5/31/01 testing
web100 applet bandwidth tester
- 5/28/01 testing ttcp100
- 5/26/01, test with and UT
- 5/24/01, install web100 0.2 build 20010514
- 5/10/01, discussions with Compaq/OSF about deploying Web100
- 3/*/01, prepare/submit Net100/Web100 proposal to DOE
- 3/21/01, install alpha0 release 0.1 build 20010228
- 2/19/01, install pre-alpha release (ORNL) 2000101115
- 2/2/01, discussions with IBM/AIX about deploying Web100
Last Modified
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