Haw Ridge Park development

The City of Oak Ridge was considering siting a boat building facility in a 4-acre section of Haw Ridge Park.
On Sept 2, 2000, the News Sentinel reported that plans have been abandonded to site the facility at Haw Ridge Park (see article). Also see Oak Ridger article 9/4/00 and 9/6/00

The following resolution was passed by City council on Monday evening, June 19, 2000.

A resolution authorizing the Mayor to formally request the Tennessee Valley Authority to lift the public recreation purpose restriction on a four-acre portion of Haw Ridge Park, as shown on an attached map, in order to accommodate the request of Janousek Racing, a prospective lessee of the property, to build a light manufacturing facility, and authorizing the City to reimburse TVA for any necessary processing fees and environmental assessments conducted as part of the evaluation process of the City's request, at an estimated cost of $20,000.

The City will now ask TVA to lift the recreation-only restriction on the 4-acre portion of the Park. Here's info from the June 20 Oak Ridger article and a June 22nd article.

July 7 Oak Ridger article from EQAB meeting

smoky mtn wheelmen's page on Haw Ridge development

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