TN leaflet map
Enter street,city,state or zip code or lat,-lon (dd.ddd)
     (for other lat/lon encodings or UTM or NAD27 use this)
Distance buttons: left click on map to make a track
this button will popup a window from which you can save the track as a file.gpx for uploading to your GPS.
   Plot track elevation profile -- google elevations (10m DEM) and area (acres)
   Plot track elevation profile -- courtesy of (30m SRTM)
Add TN county lines to map:

Lake Karen
from sinkhole digital analysis
weighted centroid: 35.71797404430,-85.70195504830
Area: 2.7 km2
Perimeter: 21.1 km
Depth: 17.4 m
Volume: 2486744 m3
TODO testing leafletjs

Tennessee landforms      GSMNP landforms      BSF landforms      AT shelters
Tom Dunigan TNlandforms.US