TN leaflet map
Enter street,city,state or zip code or lat,-lon (dd.ddd)
     (for other lat/lon encodings or UTM or NAD27 use this)
Distance buttons: left click on map to make a track
this button will popup a window from which you can save the track as a file.gpx for uploading to your GPS.
   Plot track elevation profile -- google elevations (10m DEM) and area (acres)
   Plot track elevation profile -- courtesy of (30m SRTM)
Add TN county lines to map:

The City has funding for extending the Melton Lake Greenway from the southern end on to Haw Ridge Park and west to the Haw Ridge kiosk/parking area. This should add about 2.2 miles of 10'-wide asphalt greenway to the Melton Lake Greenway. Along the lake there will be concrete and a boardwalk over the "wetlands". The west-end parking area will be paved as part of the project. Construction started in June, 2011 and completed April, 2012.

- phase 4 map with Haw Ridge trails
- phases of Melton Lake Greenway
- City phase IV info

phase 4 elevation profile (east to west)

Melton Lake Greenway with phase4 extends 5.6 miles, 300' cumulative climb.
TODO testing leafletjs

Tennessee landforms      GSMNP landforms      BSF landforms      AT shelters
Tom Dunigan TNlandforms.US