Tennessee Rocks


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Waypoint Formation County Locale
SCR003 Angel Falls Overlook 40' Scott BSF
CLR001 Arch Rock Claiborne
FER003 Black House Chimney 30' Fentress PSF
CUR001 Black Mountain Rocks Cumberland CT
SCR009 Blevins Chimney 40' Scott BSF
HMR001 Bluff Trail Chimney 20' Hamilton CCNMP
CTR001 Buckled Rock 150' Carter NWA
COR001 Buzzard Roost Cocke CNF
SCR001 Cap Rock 45' Scott BSF
MGR004 Castle Rock 40' Morgan FrozenHead
FER009 Cave Hollow Chimney 30' Fentress PogueCreek
SVR004 Charlies Bunion Sevier GSMNP
CAR001 Chimney Rocks (32) 100' Campbell CT
MGR001 Chimney Top 20' Morgan FrozenHead
SVR001 Chimney Tops Sevier GSMNP
SVR002 Courthouse Rock 45' Sevier GSMNP
FER002 Crossover Chimney 20' Fentress BSF
MGR002 Devil's Breakfast Table 40' Morgan CT OWSR Catoosa
SCR010 Devils Den Scott BSF
CAR002 Devil's Racetrack Campbell CT
MER001 Eaves Chimney Meigs
SCR008 Grand Branch Chimney 9' Scott BSF
SCR011 Grand Gap Chimney 35' Scott BSF
CAR003 Hangover Rock Campbell
JAR001 Hardscrabble Pinnacle Jackson
MGR003 Hegler Chimney 30' Morgan OWSR
SCR013 Hoodoo 25' Scott BSF
RHR001 Hoodoo 30' Rhea private
KYR002 KY Bottle Rock 12' KY
KYR001 KY Chimney Rock 160' KY DBNF
PER002 Lady Finger Bluff Perry TVAWA
BTR002 Look Rock Blount GSMNP
PIR001 Lost Chimney 15' Pickett BSF
SCR002 Maude's Crack Scott BSF
SQR001 Mushroom Rock 20' Sequatchie CT
MGR005 Mushroom Rock 7' Morgan CT
SCR007 No Business Butte Scott BSF
SCR014 Papaw's Column? 30' Scott BSF
FER006 Phillip Chimney NW 35' Fentress PogueCreek
FER007 Phillip Chimney SE 30' Fentress PogueCreek
SCR012 Pillow Rock 20' Scott CT
FER004 Pogue Chimney 50' Fentress PogueCreek
FER008 Pogue Mesa Fentress PogueCreek
HMR002 Rock Platform? 442' Hamilton CT
BTR001 Rocky Top Blount GSMNP
ANR001 Savage Gardens Chimneys Anderson private
FER005 Skinner Mountain Chimney 40' Fentress
PER001 Standing Rock Perry
HUR001 Standing Rock 40' Humphreys
STR001 Standing Rock 50' Stewart
SCR004 Station Camp Chimneys 25' Scott BSF
SCR005 Station Camp N. Chimney 40' Scott BSF
SCR006 Station Camp Rocks Scott BSF
GUR001 Stone Door Grundy SavageGulf
GUR002 Sycamore Falls Chimneys 30' Grundy trails
MIR001 The Chimneys 200' Marion TNNA
FER001 Top Hat 60' Fentress BSF
SVR003 Turkey Rock Sevier GSMNP
HMR003 Umbrella Rock? 10' Hamilton CCNMP
CUR002 Umbrella Rock Cumberland
Click on name above for maps/pictures etc.
Waypoints: tnrocks.gpx or tnrocks.mxf
Rocks and such by county

The rock formations in the table above include chimneys, rock gardens, and other peculiar rock formations in Tennessee. Mushroom rocks include MGR005, SQR001, and RHA004. A few more chimneys in KY, see BSF landforms. Here are rock listings from USGS.

Google map/image of Tennessee rock formations or leafletjs (non-google) TN peaks map

Chuck Sutherland's www.tnlandforms.com the future (2024)

America's weird and amazing rock formations


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   © Tom Dunigan
Revised Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:13:25 -0700
Chuck Sutherland's www.tnlandforms.com the future (2024)