Nearby landforms (miles)
Cow Branch Arch 65x15, SCA015, 13.53 S 
Nancys Tunnel 20', SCA075, 13.59 SW 
Jumble Falls 8', SCF027, 14.97 S 
Papaw's Column? 30', SCR014, 15.1 SW 
Gage's Tunnel 2x10, SCA078, 15.1 SW 
No Business Butte, SCR007, 15.22 SW 
The Slit 2x25, SCA027, 15.31 SW 
Maude's Arch 2x2, SCA005, 15.43 S 
Betty Br Arch 70x20, SCA022, 15.44 SW 
Jug Complex?, SCA068, 15.46 SW 
Maude's Crack, SCR002, 15.46 S 
Yellow Cliff Window, SCA023, 15.47 S 
Betty Br Complex?, SCA067, 15.49 SW 
Russell Arch 100x30, SCA010, 15.52 SW 
Cliff Hugger Arch?, SCA066, 15.52 SW 
Craft Window?, SCA070, 15.53 S 
Blackmail Arch?, SCA065, 15.54 SW 
Bruce's Arch 12x5, SCA031, 15.58 SW 
Baby Grand Arch?, SCA064, 15.58 SW 
Daylight Rock 35x18, SCA003, 15.59 S 
Betty Br Shelf Arch?, SCA063, 15.64 SW 
Percolator Arch?, SCA052, 15.68 SW 
Cap Rock Window 2x3, SCA021, 15.7 SW 
Cap Rock 45', SCR001, 15.7 SW 
Triple Arch 30x15, SCA012, 15.72 SW 
Clydesdale Arches?, SCA050, 15.87 SW 
Longfield Arch?, SCA058, 15.99 SW 
Twister Arch? 2x6, SCA051, 16.07 SW 
Big Br Double Arch?, SCA059, 16.11 SW 
Lookup Arch 4x6, SCA028, 16.13 S 
Stepup Arch 3x3, SCA020, 16.14 S 
Rhino Foot Arch?, SCA060, 16.15 SW 
Giger Arch?, SCA061, 16.16 SW 
Duckhead Arch?, SCA062, 16.17 SW 
Stepthru Arch 9x8, SCA029, 16.18 S 
Alder Br fedder 13', SCF049, 16.19 SW 
Indian Rock Br feeder Falls 25', SCF032, 16.19 S 
Kamtt Tunnel 2x10, SCA074, 16.22 SW 
Anderson Falls 65', SCF029, 16.24 SW 
Terry Lynn Arch 12x3, SCA073, 16.26 SW 
Creek Arch 10x8, SCA002, 16.33 S 
Step Falls 30', SCF012, 16.39 S 
Station Camp N. Chimney 40', SCR005, 16.39 S 
Station Camp Window 4x3, SCA011, 16.6 S 
Station Camp Chimneys 25', SCR004, 16.77 S 
Hollow Rock Br. Falls 30', SCF018, 16.85 SW 
Hollow Rock Br NB 40x10, SCA039, 16.87 SW 
Massey Branch Falls 9', SCF026, 16.97 SW 
Massey Window 3x2, SCA049, 16.99 SW 
Station Camp leaners, SCA025, 17.39 S 

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