WGS84 | |
36.114600 | -82.536000 |
36° 6.876'N | 82° 32.16'W |
36° 6' 52.6"N | 82° 32' 9.6"W |
17S 361759E 3997752N | |
convert to NAD27 |
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Reference: Bill & Emmett
Off-trail above Pine Ridge falls on Devil Fork Creek three more falls. The GPS coordinates are for the lower, Josiah Falls. Further upstream are Devil's Slide 40' (36.1142,-82.535), and Lillybeth Falls 25' (36.1138, -82.5344).
Bill's photos Josiah Falls and Devils Slide, and Lillybeth Falls.
and Randy's photos Lillybeth and Devils Slide.