Tennessee Landforms -- lakes
35.494000 -83.965000
35° 29.64'N 83° 57.9'W
35° 29' 38.4"N 83° 57' 54"W
17S 231036E 3931871N
convert to NAD27

Calderwood Lake

Waypoint: MOL001 35.494000,-83.965000
County: Monroe   landforms of Monroe county
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elevation 1088' (normal level 965' ?), 536 acres,

Calderwood Dam release info and lake levels, and more info GPS locations of docks and ramps

popular sea kayak destination with access to Lower Falls on Slickrock Creekand the following wet-weather cascades
Tunnel Cascade Calderwood
Calderwood Cascade Calderwood
also you may be able to see a partially submerged abandoned railroad tunnel (c. 1914). and another photo See Tapoco history

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   © Tom Dunigan