WGS84 | |
35.971864 | -83.103691 |
35° 58.312'N | 83° 6.221'W |
35° 58' 18.7"N | 83° 6' 13.3"W |
17S 310319E 3982874N | |
convert to NAD27 |
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This deep sinkhole was revealed by Sutherland's ArcMap analysis. The topo map (40' contours) does not reveal the depth easily. (Dashed contour lines are at 20', e.g 1260.) The 10m DEM indicates lowest point of 1138.2' at 35.971898,-83.104306. Lip might be 1257' at 35.97250,-83.1001
from sinkhole digital analysis
ID: 12978
Area: 0.15 km2
Perimeter: 2.5 km, boundary
Depth: 36.0 m
Volume: 156573 m3