WGS84/NAD27 converter
Most on-line map services and GPS's use the WGS84 datum, but the USGS topo maps are published in the NAD27 datum. The 1 kilometer UTM grid on the 7.5' quads is useful for off-trail adventures. Use a yardstick to draw in the grid lines (see example), then set your GPS readouts to NAD27 and UTM.

36.413665-87.936139 36.413578-87.936114
36° 24.8199'87° 56.1683' 36° 24.8147'87° 56.1668'
36° 24' 49.19"87° 56' 10.10" 36° 24' 48.88"87° 56' 10.01"
416070E 4030239N 16 416070E 4030027N 16

    show maps for this location (WGS84) Google topo


With the form below you can convert between lat/lon and UTM and between the WGS84 and NAD27 datums. Latitude/longitude can be represented as 36.12345, or 36 44.333, or 36 22 14.5 and degree, minute, seconds symbols will be ignored.

Latitude: Longitude:


  UTM Easting: Northing: Zone:


  NABSQNO: WGS84 UTM (Z-E-N), e.g. 16S-598278-3890594

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