Tennessee Balds

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Waypoint Bald County Locale
BTB001 Gregory Bald 4949' Blount GSMNP
BTB002 Parson Bald 4732' Blount GSMNP
BTB003 Russell Field 4300' Blount GSMNP
BTB004 Spence Field 4887' Blount GSMNP
CTB001 Grassy Ridge Bald 6160' Carter CNF
CTB002 Hump Mountain 5280' Carter CNF
CTB003 Jane Bald 5750' Carter CNF
CTB004 Little Hump Mountain 5440' Carter CNF
CTB005 Round Bald 5800' Carter CNF
GEB003 Ball Ground Bald 4780' Greene CNF
GEB002 Camp Creek Bald 4844' Greene CNF
GEB001 Coldspring Mountain 4800' Greene CNF
JOB001 Rogers Ridge 4800' Johnson CNF
MOB001 Beaverdam Bald 4259' Monroe CNF
MOB002 Whigg Meadow 4960' Monroe CNF
POB001 Buck Bald 2348' Polk CNF
SVB001 Big Chestnut Bald 4880' Sevier GSMNP
SVB002 Silers Bald 5607' Sevier GSMNP
UCB001 Beauty Spot 4497' Unicoi CNF
UCB003 Big Bald 5517' Unicoi CNF
UCB002 Pleasant Garden 4840' Unicoi CNF
Click on name of bald above for maps/pictures etc.
Waypoints: tnbalds.gpx or tnbalds.mxf

Google map/image/topo with balds or leafletjs (non-google) TN balds map
Chuck Sutherland's www.tnlandforms.com the future (2024)

Maddron Bald in the GSMNP (Cocke Co.) is a heath bald (hell). Just into NC are Bob & Stratton Bald, Hooper Bald, and Max Patch. Just into Virginia is Mt Rogers . Balds on the NC side of the Smoky mountains park include Andrews Bald and Hemphill Bald, see GSMNP landforms. Some old (1920's) black&white images of balds from Dutch Roth's collection.

"Why are the balds bald?"
There are dozens of high elevation "balds" in the Southern Appalachians. In the Smokies, as well as other areas, farmers would drive their livestock to the highest balds in the summer. This grazing would keep many of the balds free of trees. Today, maintenance of the balds is sometimes the only reason that some of these balds still exist. Researchers have looked for evidence of bald creation through burning, grazing, climatic factors related to the Wisconsin glaciation, impacts of Native Americans and colonial settlers, and effects of mega-fauna during the last ice age. The origin of balds remains a mystery, and balds management issues are continually debated. (Reference: Tennessee Conservationist).

See Wikipedia's Appalachian balds or GSMNP History of the grassy balds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park


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   © Tom Dunigan
Revised Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:13:25 -0700
Chuck Sutherland's www.tnlandforms.com the future (2024)