Tennessee Landforms Google map
Enter street,city,state or zip code or lat,-lon (dd.ddd)
     (for lat/lon or UTM or NAD27 use this)
Distance buttons: click on map to make a track
this button will popup a window from which you can save the track as a file.gpx for uploading to your GPS.
   Plot track elevation profile -- google elevations (10m DEM)
   Plot track elevation profile -- courtesy of heywhatsthat.com (based on 30m SRTM)

This map shows elevation grid for Tricorner Knob and Mt Yonaguska, based on 2009 LiDAR data. High point is 6176' on Mt Yonaguska versus 6143' at Tricorner. Here is pre-LiDAR gridded map where Tricorner was highest at 6136' and Mt Yonaguska was 6134

2011 USGS DEM data (3m) has been revised a bit Tricorner: 35.695679,-83.254452, 6144.9 and Yonaguska: 35.694136,-83.248279, 6178.1

Also see LiDAR phantom peak on Big Cataloochee.

☹ Sadly, the microsoft terraserver (MSTopo) USGS topo map server is no longer active. The MSTopo had a higher resolution topo and was the base layer for the google map above. To zoom in try selecting the ArcGIS topo base map.

The grid of elevation points is based on older generations (e.g., 2009) of USGS 10M DEM data. See naionalmap elevation data.

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visits since 5/1/09