4/27/03 pictures from the Haw Ridge Trail School
5/14/03 Oak Ridger article
The Friends of Haw Ridge Park, the Recreation and Parks Department of the City of Oak Ridge, and the Anderson County Life Development Center are sponsoring a trail school under the direction of the IMBA. We welcome all interested folks to register and attend.
Topics covered include designing sustainable trails, controlling water flow, building effective trail structures, and routine trail maintenance.
Many trail design/construction techniques will be taught:
bench cutting/trail tread maintenance, water management techniques
(rolling grade dips, out-sloping, knicks, rocked culverts etc),
brushing and corridor clearing, how to build a rolling crown switchback,
and trail layout looking at the geography of the land
and using tools such as clinometers to measure grades.
The workshop will include fieldwork as well as inside classroom sessions.
For the last six years, the Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crews have traveled the world, sharing their trail building expertise with thousands of volunteers, land managers and trail advocates. As a direct result, there are now newer, longer and more environmentally sustainable trails in all fifty states, Canada, Mexico, and several European countries.
Our IMBA trail crew for the Haw Ridge workshop is Scott Linnenburger and Aaryn Kay. Scott and Aaryn are in their second year with the IMBA trail school. For four years, Scott worked as an environmental consultant dealing primarily with wetlands and water quality issues. He worked with land managers in multi-use forests in the North Carolina Mountains, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama. Aaryn worked five years at Duke University's Center for Environmental Education, first as a research assistant, and most recently as the Director of Community Education. Scott and Aaryn both received Masters in Environmental Management degrees from Duke University in 1998.
You must pre-register for the school.
A $20 registration fee is required.
The fee will be used for the Friday dinner and for the lunches
on Saturday and Sunday.
You'll also get a copy of the Forest Service handbook
Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook.
To register please visit the registration page.
Registration is limited to 40 participants.
Registration deadline is Wednesday, April 23.
As of 4/24/03, registered participants: 32 of 40 max
What to bring:
You should bring water bottles, insect repellant,
work gloves, hiking/work boots, safety glasses, and work clothes.
We will be able to provide some tools, but if you have a
pulaski, McLeod, fire rake, mattock, pick, or other
trail tools, please bring them.
Plan to get dirty.
If it rains, we'll get dirty and wet!
How to get to LDC/Haw Ridge Park:
From I-40 west of Knoxville, TN,
take Pellissippi Parkway North (162) toward Oak Ridge
through Solway and over Melton Lake.
Take first exit on right after crossing lake -- Edgemoor Rd. (170).
Proceed east for approximately 1 mile.
Turn right on Old Edgemoor Rd. and
proceed about 0.6 mile to Life Development Center on right.
Mapquest map.
Learn more