If you have found a problem (downed tree, erosion, broken bridge, etc.)
with a trail in Haw Ridge Park,
please fill out the following form indicating where the problem
is located (trail name, near post xx, GPS coordinates, etc.) and
the nature of the problem.
Contact me at this Page
Stay off the trails when they are WET! If you must visit the park when trails are wet, bring a mattock or shovel, walk in, and help divert water from the trails.
We're trying to make most of the trails self-sustaining, but keeping water off the trails is a on-going effort (Kaboom, power line, lake road, south shore, easy). Also during the summer weed/briar control is needed on Soccer, Briar loop, south Power Line, jump loop, west shore, Mer, East Ridge, Mike's trail, and silo area.
To DO list
Work projects include (see work areas map 4/04):
Details-------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) DONE armor and drain muddy turn between West entrace and Soccer jcn. (get large flat locks from nearby creek beds) (2) DONE Kaboom -- refurbish water diversion dams (3) Red Hill -- refurbish water diversion dams (both slopes) armor mud holes on south end -- ONGOING ... (ongoing)Jump loop -- machete work to cutback briars/vegetation and connector to Post 5 (4) DONE Briar Loop -- machette/weedeater work (ongoing) (5) Saddle (S slope) -- refurbish water diversion dams (ongoing) (7) Power cut (N and S slopes) -- refurbish water diversion dams (lots of dirt needs to be moved to re-establish the rolling dips) -- we use mini-excavator, but every little bit helps. also dips north of post 4 -- ONGOING (8) soccer meadow mud hole, weed-eat meadow(ongoing) DONE (9) armor mud hole near post 7
(10) DONE gravel new bridge entrance at west end (11) bench in rock sections near new bridge at west end -- DONE (12) bog bridge for Red Shore Possible trail re-routes: (1) Saddle (S slope) first creek crossing, move trail to east slope (flagged) (2) Entrance to rainbow from power line -- move from steep descent, to descent to gap slightly north -- close 2 fall-line descents -- DONE
(3) DONE north section of Rainbow (re-route) (4) Doug's trail mud re-routes or armor -- one done. (5) re-route fall-line rutted section of East Ridge (DONE) (6) Rachel's Landing mud section -- DONE (7) Screamer exit re-route -- DONE (8) east soccer fall-line -- DONE (9) south I mud section re-route -- DONE (10) Low Gap connector (see map), done (11) East Shore bench, done (City contributes base) (12) Rachel's Landing reroute upslope -- DONE
Other known problems: -- eroded descent down to Saddle -- muddy areas on at southwest corner (Picnic Point) of South Shore trail -- muddy areas west of Red Hill on Lake Rd. (track hoe DONE) -- muddy areas on Red Shore (some board walk done) -- West Shore, bridge muddy section under power line (DONE) -- Post 4 to silo, bridge over mud and board walk/bog bridge (DONE) -- DONE Low Gap trail, north slope needs widening/outsloping, south side needs re-routes out of creek bed -- wave erosion on dike (Isthmus) -- DONE creek crossing on Easy Trail -- creek crossing at end of Twister (DONE) -- consider closing Rock Garden connector and rooty-descent to Silo (DONE) -- swamp log fix? on Red Hill (DONE cement bags and board-walk) -- replace culvert near Red Hill with City pipe (DONE) -- reroute east edge of RollerCoaster (DONE) -- Middle Rd bog bridge -- DONE Projects: -- work with City connecting Old Edgemoor with Melton Lake Greenway ( Phase IV), work to begin end of 2011. DONE 2012. -- beginner loop in soccer field -- work with TVA regarding trail around Bull Run Bay -- Eagle Scout projects: +numbered posts -- DONE 2003 +map posts -- DONE 2013 +blueway camping area +shoreline picnic area located here, DONE 2005, replaced 2020.
Each year,
usually the first week of June and the first week of September,
we need to do weed eating under the power lines,
West Shore, Red Shore, Jump Loop, Briar, east Edgemoor, Mike's Trail, Silo,
soccer and its connectors to greenway, and west entrance.
The City has helped by mowing some of these sections in late August.
Also in the spring, loppers/machete is needed to trim back "face slappers".
There's always work to do
draining/armoring puddles and diverting water.
Water dam work requires mattock/pulaski or grub hoe and/or shovels.
Try to angle diversion dams at 30 to 45 degrees with a good wide
steep drain. If you have the time and workforce, a rolling grade
dip is best (see
IMBA trail building).
The various bridges in the park require inspection and maintenance.
If you complete one of these projects on your own, fill out the form above and let us know. thanks
Trail maintenance links and our IMBA trail school in Haw Ridge 2003.