Big South Fork Landforms
36.607430 -84.578430
36° 36.446'N 84° 34.706'W
36° 36' 26.8"N 84° 34' 42.4"W
16S 716583E 4054055N
convert to NAD27

Sophies Cave Arch 25x10

Waypoint: KYA50 36.607430,-84.578430
County: KY
NABSQNO 16S-716583-4054055
USGS elevation
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Reference: John Slaven

It's a 59 foot walk through arch. There is a room 25-30 feet in diameter with 9 foot ceiling within the arch that gives it a cave like feel. Discovered by John Slaven. Photos and narrative by Michael Bose.

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