Nearby shelters (miles)
Overmountain Shelter X, Overmounta, 0  
Stan Murray Shelter, StanMurra, 1 SW 
Roan High Knob Shelter, RoanHigh, 4.01 W 
Clyde Smith Shelter, ClydeSmit, 6.23 W 
Moreland Gap Shelter, MorelandG, 6.93 N 
Mountaineer Falls Shelter, Mountainee, 7.7 NE 
Laurel Fork Shelter, LaurelFrk, 11.65 NW 
Cherry Gap Shelter, CherryGap, 11.76 W 
Watauga Lake Shelter X, WataugaLk, 13.79 N 
Vandeventer Shelter, Vandevente, 16.8 N 
Curley Maple Gap Shelter, CurleyMap, 19.24 W 
No Business Knob Shelter, NoBusines, 21.61 W 
Iron Mountain Shelter, IronMount, 21.8 N 
Bald Mountain Shelter, BaldMtn, 25.22 W 
Double Springs Shelter, DoubleSp2, 26.86 N 
Flint Mountain Shelter, FlintMtn, 30.99 W 
Hogback Ridge Shelter, HogbackR, 31.81 W 
Abingdon Gap Shelter, AbingdonG, 32.68 N 
Jerry Cabin, JerryCabi, 34.09 W 
The Place, ThePlace, 38.24 NE 
Little Laurel Shelter, LittleLrl, 38.91 W 
Saunders Shelter, Saunders, 40.27 NE 
Lost Mountain Shelter, LostMtn, 42.27 NE 
Spring Mountain Shelter, SpringMtn, 42.89 W 
Thomas Knob Shelter, ThomasKnb, 46.87 NE 
Wise Shelter, Wise, 48.04 NE 
Deer Park Mountain Shelter, DeerPark, 48.32 W 
Old Orchard Shelter, OldOrchar, 49.14 NE 
Hurricane Mountain Shelter, Hurricane, 50.96 NE 
Walnut Mountain Shelter, WalnutMtn, 53.24 W 
Trimpi Shelter, Trimpi, 53.81 NE 
Roaring Fork Shelter, RoaringFo, 54.77 SW 
Partnership Shelter, Partnershi, 59.08 NE 
Groundhog Creek Shelter, Groundhog, 59.33 SW 
Chatfield Shelter, Chatfield, 63.31 NE 
Davenport Gap Shelter, Davenport, 64.68 W 
Davis Path camp, DavisPath, 66.45 NE 
Cosby Knob Shelter, CosbyKnob, 68.82 SW 
Knot Maul Branch Shelter, KnotMaul, 70.6 NE 
Tricorner Knob Shelter, Tricorner, 73.58 SW 
Chestnut Knob Shelter, ChestnutK, 74.13 NE 
Pecks Corner Shelter, PecksCorn, 77.46 SW 
Jenkins Shelter, Jenkins, 80.71 NE 
Icewater Spring Shelter, Icewater, 82.02 SW 
Mount Le Conte Shelter, MtLeCont, 84.09 SW 
Mt. Collins Shelter, MtCollin, 87.38 SW 
Helveys Mill Shelter, HelveysM, 87.54 NE 
Double Spring Gap Shelter, DoubleSp1, 91.84 SW 
Jenny Knob Shelter, JennyKnob, 93.17 NE 
Silers Bald Shelter, SilersBal, 93.17 SW 

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