Garfield Ridge Campsite Shelter, GarfieldR, 0 Galehead Hut, Galehead, 2.22 E Greenleaf Hut, Greenleaf, 3.59 SW Guyot Campsite Shelter, GuyotCamp, 4.59 SE Zealand Falls Hut, ZealandF, 6.4 E Lonesome Lake Hut, LonesomeL, 6.42 SW Kinsman Pond Campsite Shelter, KinsmanP, 7.87 SW Eliza Brook Campsite Shelter, ElizaBrk, 9.71 SW Ethan Pond Campsite Shelter, EthanPond, 10.23 E Mizpah Spring Hut, MizpahSpr, 13.52 E Beaver Brook Shelter, BeaverBrk, 15.73 SW Lake of the Clouds Hut, LakeofCl, 16.89 E Hermit Lake Shelter (1 of 2), HermitLk1, 18.68 E Hermit Lake Shelter (2 of 2), HermitLk2, 18.71 E The Perch Shelter, ThePerch, 19.07 NE Gray Knob, GrayKnob, 19.35 NE Crag Camp, CragCamp, 19.84 NE Madison Springs Hut, MadisonSp, 20.52 NE Jeffers Brook Shelter, JeffersBr, 20.64 SW Carter Notch Hut, CarterNot, 23.62 E Ore Hill camp, OreHill, 26.95 SW Imp Campsite Shelter, ImpCamp, 27.39 E Rattle River Shelter, RattleRvr, 30.95 NE Hexacuba Shelter, Hexacuba, 31.93 SW Smarts Mountain Cabin, SmartsMtn, 34.82 SW Gentian Pond Campsite Shelter, GentianP, 35.16 NE Carlo Col Shelter, CarloCol, 39.02 NE Trapper John Shelter, TrapperJ, 39.8 SW Full Goose Shelter, FullGoose, 42.04 NE Speck Pond Shelter, SpeckPond, 43.93 NE Moose Mountain Shelter, MooseMtn, 44.04 SW Baldpate Lean-to, Baldpate, 48.1 NE Frye Notch Lean-to, FryeNotch, 49.84 NE Velvet Rocks Shelter, VelvetRoc, 49.85 SW Happy Hill Shelter, HappyHill, 53.23 SW Hall Mountain Lean-to, HallMtn, 56.25 NE Thistle Hill Shelter, ThistleHi, 59.38 SW Cloudland Shelter X, Cloudland, 60.32 SW Bemis Mountain Lean-to, BemisMtn, 64.07 NE Wintturi Shelter, WintturiS, 67.47 SW Sabbath Day Pond Lean-to, SabbathDa, 69.43 NE Stony Brook Shelter, StonyBrk, 71.65 SW Gifford Woods State Park, GiffordW, 76.16 SW Tucker Johnson, TuckerJoh, 77.63 SW Piazza Rock Lean-to, PiazzaRoc, 77.91 NE Pico Camp Shelter, PicoCamp, 78.35 SW Cooper Lodge, CooperLdg, 79.07 SW Churchill Scott Shelter, Churchill, 79.26 SW Governor Clement Shelter, GovernorC, 81.79 SW Poplar Ridge Lean-to, PoplarRi, 84.45 NEgoogle or Tiger (slow) map of nearby landforms. 0.0013070106506348 seconds