Tennessee Landforms Google map right click to add draggable markers     iPhone map
Enter street,city,state or zip code or lat,-lon (dd.ddd)
     (for lat/lon or UTM or NAD27 use this)
Distance buttons: click on map to make a track (right-click to add draggable markers)
this button will popup a window from which you can save the track as a file.gpx for uploading to your GPS.
   Plot track elevation profile -- google elevations (10m DEM) and area (acres)
   Plot track elevation profile -- courtesy of heywhatsthat.com (based on 30m SRTM)
Add TN county lines to map:

Burke County, NC, check peak elevations based on 3m DEM data from USGS seamless server, based on NC LiDAR.

Hickory Knob    35.61682,-81.73797, 2990.9'
Icy Knob        35.61232,-81.75454, 2984.2'
Probst Mtn      35.61574,-81.75411, 2984.0'
Buzzard Roost   35.61728,-81.74393, 2979.2'
Note that the topo map shows a BM of 2980' for Buzzard Roost, but the USGS benchmark data sheet for Buzzard Roost says the elevation is 2992'! So what is the highest peak of this cluster??

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visits since 1/1/10, Tom Dunigan TNlandforms.US