Computer and Network Security

CS computing resources
sources for the class and pre-compiled (linux) libraries are in ~dunigan/cns06/
UTK CS help topics
Info on computers in CS labs
postscript viewer ghostscript and pdf viewer
lecture on makefiles
Stallings (4th edition) Cryptography and Network Security
info related to text book, errata and such
similar text books: Kaufman's Network Security, Private communication in a PUBLIC world or Pfleeger's Security in Computing
Schneier's Applied Cryptography
Menezes' Handbook of Applied Cryptography (much is online too)
Stinson's Cryptography : Theory and Practice discrete mathematics
OpenSSL and source code
Spafford's Practical UNIX & Internet Security
Building Secure Software or
The Security Development Lifecycle Writing Secure Code
Secure Coding in C and C++
Secure Programming Cookbook and recipes source code
Seucre Programming with Static Analysis Foritfy
historical crypto, David Kahn's The Codebreakers or Singh's The Code Book
Hodge's library cryptology books: QA76.9.A25 (5th floor)
Miscellaneous links
OpenSSL and how to
UT's top 10 virus/hoax
MIT's Rivest network and computer security class 2003
Gutmann's crypto tutorials
Savard's cryptographic compendium classical, enigma, to AES, with figures
ftp site of ssh for unix and openssh
a free ssh for windows putty or ssh for windows or secureCRT or a java ssh client to duncan or kenner and CS info on ssh
GNU's gnupg and openpgp MIT's pgp distribution or foreign pgp
GNU's gmp manual pages multiprecision arithmetic library
attacks SANS recent activity or ISS Xforce or open source vulnerability database or Yahoo hacking info
Counterpane's extensive online crypto papers
sci.crypt's FAQ RSA's cryptography FAQ
crypto benchmarks
sniffer FAQ
Maple crypto tools
:-) DigiCrime decrypting service
newgroups: sci.crypt    comp.risks
dunigan's security links

revised 1/10/01
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